Data: 25 JUN 2019 (9 p.m. LT time, 8 p.m. NO time).
Participated: Vygintas Grinis (Kaunas RC), Georg B. Jenssen (Gjovik RC), Bodil Hagen Saegrov (Gjovik RC).
- Status on ongoing activities related to training.
- Reflections from Gjøvik/Anyksciai Rotary club meeting held on 18 MAY.
- Reflections from annual meeting of RAG on Mental Health Initiatives, held on 2 JUNE during RI Convention 2019 in Hamburg.
- Suicide statistics in Lithuania updates (2011-2018).
- 12-month report to TRF – process and content.
- Any other business.
1. Regarding ongoing activities related to training psychologist Dr. Said Dadašev sent that kind of message to all committee members. Training – is fully completed in all 9 municipalities as was mentioned in the presentation for the Gjøvik/Anyksciai club meeting. Since then together with Valija Sap and Nida Zemaitiene we finished supervisions for previously trained specialists (15 hours on the 30th of May) in Akmenė District Municipality and from the September we will continue further with our remaining tasks: implementation of suicide prevention models, supervisions and providing psychological help. So far, we still have lots of willingness and strength and we are happy with people we have met in the municipalities – they really uphold our motivation to continue.
2. Georg B. Jenssen informed about positive reflection from the side of Rotarians of Gjovik RC during meeting with participation of Anyksciai RC delegation. The 1st question of that meeting was related to Supreme Aim project. Evaluation of the training in more detail was made by Dr. Said Dadašev with MS PowerPoint day before meeting. Then Bodil Hagen Saegrov was able to make updates for the 18 May meeting. Georg B. Jenssen started the presentation and asked Vygintas Grinis, who was connected by skype, to present himself and explain why and how the project was initiated in Lithuania. Full presentation is presented on the Rotarians of Gjovik RC see great significance in participating and supporting such a project.
3. Vygintas Grinis on 2 June participated in third annual meeting of RAGMHI, led by the RAG chair PDG Bonnie Black and held during Rotary convention 2019 in Hamburg. As a first speaker presented topic “Suicide Prevention in Lithuania” – one of the successful programs, supervised and supported by RAGMHI. Now it is only Supreme Aim project is executed as a Global Grant project in the topic of Mental Health Initiatives. Members of the RAG reflected with very positive attitude about involvement of local municipalities in the activities of the project and round state approach of the idea. Vygintas Grinis also volunteered on 3-5 June in the RAGMHI booth #4546 in the house of friendship, met hundreds of Rotarians, presented Suicide Prevention program in Lithuania and distributed Supreme Aim leaflet.
4. Vygintas Grinis updated statistical data, included 2018 year, when publication of Hygiene Institute of Lithuania about mortalities of 2018 was issued. It must be found from the table about all 60 municipalities of Lithuania situation is improving year by year, but when we are counting average in the all period of 2011-2018 then still there is a high rate of suicides, especially in some “leading” municipalities of countryside. It concludes, that activities of the Rotarians must be continued and new project is sense to initiate in next 8-11 municipalities with participation of local Rotary clubs.
5. Georg B. Jenssen raised a question about automated notification from The Rotary Foundation. This message is a reminder that a report on the project is due in two months. Reports are required every 12 months during the life of a grant project, and a final report is due within two months after its completion. Automated notification is sent to Host and International primary contacts. Vygintas Grinis explained that most probably TRF is counting start of the Global Grant from the date, when transfer of money to the account of the project was executed, 10 AUGUST 2018. He promised to navigate carefully to the Grant Center to complete the report during July. We’ll include bank statements that show receipt of the grant funds and all expenditures. Also, he review the letter received from the Foundation when the grant was approved, to confirm that we are meeting any contingencies, if applicable. Report will be sent to all members of the committee for review. The current district Rotary Foundation committee chair will then authorize the report.
6. Was agreed to plan next skype meeting in autumn, most probably in September.
Vygintas Grinis